rrath at charter.net rrath at charter.net
Sat Jan 26 14:08:54 EST 2008

I am sure this topic has come up a lot, but I would like to put a different spin 
on it.

What brand / type are you using?

Does it work (does your XYL or neighbors like the results)?

Would you recommend it to a fellow Ham?

Did you make your own?

Would you share how you built it with the list?

The reason for all these questions? I have TVI. I have to get rid of it or not 
use the amp I bought. I get a little TVI with out the amp and major TVI with it. 
I have cable tv. I have my radio equipment grounded to a single pc of copper 
pipe about 12 " long up under the desk, then an 8 gauge wire from the pipe 
to an 8' and a 4' ground rods.

I will be buying High Pass Filters this coming week. I have 4 good neighbors 
that I like and want to be a good Ham to them. I bought the amp to use not 
to look at. Thanks.

Rod kc7vqr

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