[RFI] HF - 80M - Line Nosie Tracking Expedition in Allen, TX

Jim P jvpoll at dallas.net
Sat May 3 13:29:10 EDT 2008

It has been awhile since I had anything really worth 
noting, but about two weeks ago I had a doozy; it was 
after the big windstorm we had in the DFW area and 
specifically in the Plano/Allen area.

On 80 Meters - a continuous buzzing noise had appeared 
with a signal strength = S7 SSB mode and = 5 dB over S9 
in AM mode - I literally took this bull on by the horns and 
DF'd / tracked it down on the second day. Turms out it was 
a little over a mile away ...

The source, on a pole across from 201 E. McDermott (a big 
church in Allen) and a block or so east of the railroad tracks, 
could be heard up and down McDermott and in the downtown 
Allen area on the AM broadcast band. In fact, a mile away 
the source could still be heard on the AM Broadcast band on 
a clear frequency.

Full report available here, including pictures of the 'source' after
locating it (a power pole with an obvious loose wire) along with 
signal strength measurements and a map showing the distance 
(over a mile) between me and the 'source':


The uploaded file at this URL should be good for thirty (30) days, 
beyond that I can't warranty anything.

..   ..    ..   ..    ..  ..   

Additional; videos of phenom and related - 

DF demonstration with a Sears Moel 2278 AM/FM/SW portable 
radio and compass:


Video of the pole, hardware and arcing wire:


Display of the RF 'pulse pair'  that was created (presumably) 
on arc initiation (due to steep rise time) and again on extinction
shown along with a sinusoid derived from my local 60 Hz line:


JimP  // WB5WPA //

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