[RFI] 40m (and other) noise

Dennis Vernacchia n6ki73 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 10 10:13:49 PDT 2009

I heard the same "Gurgling " high pitched noise last night on 40 mtr band
around 0700Z
as I was testing a receiver and after shutting down all the computers and
monitors in my house.....noise was still there.

San Diego

On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 4:12 AM, Sam Morgan <ka5oai at gmail.com> wrote:

> I have recently started hearing a noise 24/7 on 40m.
> The noise is heard about every 11khz and randomly moves up or down a khz or
> so.
> Best I can tell it covers from about 6.910mhz to 8.040mhz
> I also hear it on 1.923mhz or so but only that one frequency on the whole
> 160m band.
> I just checked the 30m band and I hear it every 40khz on it.
> Can any one identify what it's coming from?
> It may show up other places,
> I just ran into the 40m ones the last few days
> and then tonight found the 30m and 160m one.
> I have shut down my apartment at the breaker panel,
> and the noise is still there. I have had new neighbors move in an adjoining
> apartment. Above and one apartment over, right below some of my antennas on
> the
> roof.
> Here you will see and hear the noise on 40m:
> http://pages.suddenlink.net/ka5oai-1/#40m-noise
> --
> GB & 73
> Sam Morgan
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