[RFI] DX Engineering Choke question...

Alan NV8A nv8a at att.net
Tue Apr 14 18:30:36 PDT 2009

For testing the big stuff (and perhaps for everything), ARRL commissions 
members to buy the rig or whatever from a regular ham radio retailer 
with no indication that it's for testing by ARRL. That way there's no 
possibility for the manufacturer to supply a specially tweaked one or 
one that's had more than the usual amount of Quality Control testing.

You'll then see ARRL auctioning these items off from time to time -- 
announced in QST.


Alan NV8A

On 04/14/09 06:16 pm Terry wrote:

> Sorry if this is a naive question but would the manufacturers loan you
> the items in the hope that your report would show the superiority of
> their product?  Or do you have have to be an entity like the ARRL to
> warrant that?

>>> I am hoping one day that K9YC will present measured choking data for
>>> the most popular commercially-manufactured baluns including Balun Designs,
>>> ArraySolutions, and DXE.

>> I'll be happy to measure and publish them if someone sends them to me. There
>> is measured data the choking impedance of several high power DXE choke baluns
>> on my website in the Power Point on Coaxial Chokes.

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