[RFI] Ignition RFI suppression method

Glen Reid k5fx at arrl.net
Sun Apr 19 09:27:10 PDT 2009

I am reading on page 39 of May 2009 QST, how KU4B is suppressed ignition
noise on his truck by wrapping wires around the spark plug wires then
grounding the wrap wires near the distributor  (See Fig. 6).  It look like a
couple of wraps every 6 inches or so.
Has anybody else tried this method of suppressing spark noise?  How
successful was it?
It sure looks easier than any other method of shielding.
Glen Reid
k5fx at arrl.net

 "Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue
that counts." -Winston Churchill 

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