[RFI] Adding AFI to the List?
doc at kd4e.com
Mon Feb 2 17:39:20 EST 2009
I am going to try to talk to the neighbor, they are new to the area and
he has lots of visitors, he may have been out of town and they may have
abused his hospitality.
There were some guys visiting a while back who were running a big
truck and dirt bikes late at night - he stopped that when asked to do so.
Even so, he only controls his property - there are plenty of other selfish
trespassers in the sand pits out back, the private dirt road out front, and
elsewhere who are unlikely to respond to reason even if you could get
them to stop long enough to chat.
When they are persistent we call the Sheriff's Office and they chase
them off but I hate to bother them with noise calls - they have enough
life-threatening conflicts and drug dealers to deal with.
>> kd4e wrote:
>>> I would like to humbly suggest that we add AFI to RFI, TVI, and EMI
>>> as a technological nuisance.
> ...snip...
> Wouldn't a call to the local police dept work wonders?
> --
> 73 de KG2V
> For the Children - RKBA!
Thanks! & 73, doc, KD4E
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