[RFI] [TVI-RFI-EMI] A power grid designed to save millions

kd4e doc at kd4e.com
Wed Feb 4 18:27:09 EST 2009

1984 a quarter if a century late ... and on steroids.

How much RF at what frequency, at what proximity, and using what mode
(AM, FM, CW, SSB, or some sort of digital) would be the most likely to
"wirelessly restore privacy"?


> "Is he talking about the infamous RFI-generating nonsense we've been
> battling for years or something new?"
> Something new, electronic "eyes" at every juntion in the grid, whether it be
> mains or the house side.  They're tiny, about 2/3 size of an average
> wire-nut, powered by induction, cheap enough and disposable, they can be put
> on most every circuit, whether it can "see" anything (audio, video, PCM,
> PWM, AFSK) or not.  The signal is low power, intended to be induced into the
> wires and carried to decoders on power-poles, where it is converted to BPL.
> Kurt


Thanks! & 73, doc, KD4E
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============\ # KD4E
Have an http://ultrafidian.com day!

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