[RFI] CFL's & UV - Hoax or Real? Real butOverstated?

kd4e doc at kd4e.com
Tue Feb 24 10:50:18 EST 2009

A list member E-mailed privately to say that his wife has been using
multiple CFL's up close for her sewing and hobby activities - she has
been suffering from skin rashes for which there has been no prior

Now that she is aware that she may be more sensitive than average
to this potentially higher-than-normal UV she is equipped to make
an informed decision to use a different up-close light source - perhaps

So, as a result of this thread, perhaps one person may have discovered
something valuable.  Hard to say but hard to justify ignoring the data
without a closer and more critical examination.

>  From: "Dale Martin"
>> As for "citizens who may have a higher-than-average sensitivity to 
>> whatever
>> form of UV is emitted at close-range", maybe they should sit farther away
>> from the UV source?
> Yes: at least *we* know that "the inverse-square law" is our friend.
> Howard N7SO 


Thanks! & 73, doc, KD4E
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