[RFI] Consumer Electronics RFI emissions

Bruce/Edith Goldstein wa3afs at inav.net
Fri Jan 9 14:37:55 EST 2009

On a whim, I went online to comsumer reports.  ( http://www.consumersunion.org/about/ )
and used the 'contact' link to send an email.

In the email I requested that they analyze ALL electronic devices (anything with an internal computer 
such as washing machines, refrigerators, etc) or anything having the need for battery chargers for RF 
emissions that would exceed FCC part 15 rules and that these tests become a standard part of their 
testing procedures.

I did receive a reponse which indicates that they will take my request under advisement...I suggest that 
all of us that are subscribers either use the email to send similar requests or snail mail since my single 
request has no weight...but multiple requests could provide a stronger awareness.


     Bruce, WA3AFS

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