[RFI] Fair Rite #31 Mix Material

Paul Christensen w9ac at arrl.net
Sun Jan 11 22:15:41 EST 2009

> Rair_Rite makes several sizes and whoever you contacted at Amidon sure
> didn't know their product line as I've purchase several sized toroids of
> Fair-Rite's mix 31 form Amidon.

But not in small, flat donut cores, according to the Fair-Rite on-line 

Fair-Rite appears to manufacture only clamp-on cores, elongated cores, and 
large flat donut cores in #31 material.  Ideally, I need something like the 
FT-50 core size (e.g., 0.5" diam. x 0.188" thickness) in #31 material.  From 
the Fair-Rite catalog, nothing even close is manufactured by the vendor.

Paul, W9AC

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