[RFI] RFI Susceptibility of DTV?

Jimk8mr at aol.com Jimk8mr at aol.com
Sat Jan 24 14:48:36 EST 2009

In all this it may be good to consider how cable TV got started. CATV -  
that's not CAble TV, but Community Antennna TV - started in places where  
residents couldn't get TV off the air because they were located in valleys or  other 
places where TV signals just wouldn't go. (I think the very first  system was 
in NE Pennsylvania.)  So some enterprising people (hams?)  put antennas up on 
the hilltops, and sent those signals down on wires to the  people in the 
It was only many years later that these cable providers began offering  
non-off-the-air programming, notably HBO. And the rest is history.
So please remember that there have always been times and places where  some 
people couldn't get over the air TV.
73  -  Jim  K8MR
In a message dated 1/23/2009 6:14:53 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
W2RU at frontiernet.net writes:

I  can't agree with this.  Here in the central Adirondacks of upstate   
NY, during a sunspot minimum I get very useable analog pictures from   
Syracuse, Utica, and Watertown on channels 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, and a few   
UHF channels (16, 20, 24, 33, 68), too.  The UHF channels tend to  be  
"snowy", as does Channel 2 from Utica, but the other VHF channels  are  
almost as clear as satellite, despite the mountainous area  tending to  
add multipath to everything.  My antenna is a  10-year-old Radio Shack  
"fringe" VHF/FM/UHF design with a  mast-mounted preamp and coax into  
the room directly below it.   The antenna is about 30 feet over the  
lake I'm on, but probably 60  feet below the tops of the pine trees all  
around me.  Utica is  60 miles away, Syracuse perhaps 90, and Watertown  
30 -- all in  different directions.

Using the same antenna, the same preamp and the  same feedline, but  
adding a top-rated DTV converter (the Zenith), I  get only channel 7  
out of Watertown.  No amount of fiddling  with the TV antenna heading  
brings anything else in.  My local  satellite TV installer says he's  
not surprised, and expects I won't  see any additional channels until I  
put the antenna and the preamp  up above the nearby tree tops -- if then.

The people in the hamlets  around here have cable, so they won't care  
much.  But those of  us outside the hamlets that depend on local  
weather maps (especially  in this lake effect snow belt region I live  
in) are going to be out  of luck.  Utica is our "local" metropolis but,  
because of some  arcane FCC or Congressional ruling, neither Utica nor  
Watertown can  be one of satellite TV's "local" options.  And, to add  
insult  to injury, in our zip code another Congressional mandate makes  
it  illegal for the satellite TV suppliers to offer Syracuse as our   
local option!

Love those politicians!

Bud,  W2RU

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