[RFI] More cowbell?

kd4e doc at kd4e.com
Wed Jan 28 19:07:26 EST 2009

I have the Spi-Ro 160M traps ("antenna shorteners") here somewhere ... 
are they
any good and do traps typically reduce or exacerbate RF troubles?

Right now we live where a full-size 160M dipole, or even a Rhombic, is 
no problem,
but should we ever succeed in selling our FL home & 10 acres that could 
change in a

> When the weather clears some, I plan to find a new pair of trees to
> string up the Not-80-thru-10 trap dipole (Spi-Ro D-52 advertised as
> "80-10") and see how it does on 15.  If it gives me 80, 40, and 15,
> then I only need something for 20, since I have a 10 m dipole and a
> 30-17-12 trap dipole.  Well, and I should get something for 160, too.
> :-)


Thanks! & 73, doc, KD4E
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