[RFI] Samsung TV strange RFI problem

Charlie Gallo Charlie at TheGallos.com
Sat Jul 25 07:41:18 PDT 2009

On 7/25/2009 Jim Brown wrote:


> 2) Study my RFI tutorial and use it as a guide to wind a toroidal choke on the
> power cord tuned to 20M.  If that doesn't help, take the TV back for a refund.
> It's a shielding problem, and you'll never fix it. 


One other thing - take some electrical tape - cover the remote input - see if it still happens - you might be causing RFI to the remote, and that is tripping the menu!

73 de KG2V

For the Children - RKBA!

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 Skill is knowing how to do it. 
 Virtue is doing it."
 -- David Starr Jordan 

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