[RFI] Help with a noisy touch lamp

kd4e doc at kd4e.com
Sun Jul 26 08:20:46 PDT 2009


	I took the liberty of copying your post to the RFI list. 
Very knowlegeable
and helpful Hams there.

	My recollection is that touch-lamps have always been a 
nightmare for RFI.
I don't know that there is a cure.

	You might try several turns of the AC cord around a toroid 
and maybe some
bypass caps on the circuit board.

	The problem is that the circuit uses the metal base of the 
lamp as a form of
capacitive "antenna", making it difficult to tame the beast 
without disabling the
"touch" feature of the lamp.

	BTW:  Have you tried a http://ixquick.com or 
http://clusty.com search?
You might include QST in your search as someone may have 
sent them a cure
to publish.

HTH ... doc

>   Hey everyone,
> I need some advice. I've got a touch lamp in our living room which emits 
> broadband noise all across the mf and hf spectrum (probably higher but I 
> haven't checked). Can anyone give me advice on how to make this lamp rf 
> quiet so that it doesn't bother my tabletop receiver?
> Thanks
> 73
> Ron Miller
> Clearwater, FL


Thanks! & 73, doc, KD4E
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