[RFI] Mast-mount TV Pre-Amp -- Avoiding RFI & Overload?

kd4e doc at kd4e.com
Wed Jun 3 18:27:45 PDT 2009

We are out in the woods and I need a mast-mount pre-amp for 
TV signals.

This one is only $26. but I worry that it is junk which will 
fail early and may
distort signals and fail to exclude Ham signals below 6M as 
well as 6M, 2, &

AntennaCraft 10G212 Antenna Pre Amplifier 30 dB UHF / VHF / FM

Has anyone used one of these?

Can anyone recommend a better device?

Since using a mast-mount pre-amp will eliminate the need for 
a rotator
it is worth the investment of a few extra dollars.



Thanks! & 73, doc, KD4E
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