[RFI] Big Farad versus Hybrid Caps?
doc at kd4e.com
Fri Jun 19 13:06:30 PDT 2009
I just used "big Farad cap" as a nickname because I figured
would know to what I was referring.
I need to manage the load-spikes from a SSB modulated HF signal
through a solid state RF amp.
Rather than two $190. 90lb batteries I can use one large
battery and
one Hybrid cap and in my intermittent load application be in
> I'm assuming that a "big Farad cap" is a colloquial name for an electric
> double layer (aka electrochemical) capacitor
> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electric_double_layer_capacitor>
> AFAIK, Hybrid® Capacitors are a product line of Evans Capacitor
> (<http://www.evanscap.com>). Hybrid® caps have a lower Equivalent Series
> Resistance (RSR) and somewhat better "high frequency" characteristics
> than electrochemical caps.
> A typical electrochemical capacitor behaves as a capacitor only at
> frequencies < 1 Hz
> An electrochemical capacitor will help with battery "sag" that occurs
> over a timescale of seconds.
> However, an electrochemical capacitor will not provide much filtering
> for load variations that are happening at audio frequencies (like voice
> peaks). To filter out audio peaks you'd want to use a big electrolytic.
> 73,
> Mike K1MK
Thanks! & 73, doc, KD4E
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