[RFI] Big Farad versus Hybrid Caps?

kd4e doc at kd4e.com
Fri Jun 19 20:31:43 PDT 2009

The specs on these claim "exceptionally low ESR".

This big Farad cap:
claims "ultra-low ESR" but doesn't specify - it's late and I 
don't have
time to visit the manufacturer's site to get hard numbers.

This hybrid:
claims "4.5 Milliohm int. resistance"

What is the ESR you would say is necessary for effective 

>> I need to manage the load-spikes from a SSB modulated HF signal
>> through a solid state RF amp.
>> Rather than two $190. 90lb batteries I can use one large battery and
>> one Hybrid cap and in my intermittent load application be in good
>> shape.
>> Yes?
> No. The cap is of no benefit for the dynamic load application
> Because of its relatively high equivalent series resistance, an 
> electrochemical capacitor cannot discharge quickly enough to help supply 
> some of the current needed on voice peaks.
> Used in a car, an electrochemical cap is effective at keeping the 
> headlamps from dimming because the filaments in the lamps respond 
> slowly. But in that application, such a device doesn't prevent the car 
> stereo (or radio) from seeing the same voltage fluctuations under 
> modulation. That's why these super capacitors for car audio systems are 
> all hype; it's the wrong application for this technology.
> 73,
> Mike K1MK


Thanks! & 73, doc, KD4E
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