Roger (K8RI) k8ri at rogerhalstead.com
Tue Oct 6 11:21:00 PDT 2009

rbaker wrote:
> Hello all--- Does anyone have any information concerning possible RFI 
> being produced from a Wind Energy Conversion System ?? There is a 
> proposal to put one in our residential area.It will be up on a 40' 
> monopole,with a maximum rotor ( blades ??) 
We really need more information. Wind Energy Conversion System is kind 
of a useless term as it is generic and includes virtually anything that 
gets its energy from the  
So any information is going to be either theoretical, pure guess work, 
or based on some specific systems which are unlikely to be using the 
same hardware.
40' is very low.  Around here (flat land farming country-Lower Michigan) 
even the test towers are 100-200' with 200 being typical.  The wind 
powered generators are normally BIG as the generator housing on top of a 
200 to 300' tower is about the size of a small ranch style home. IOW 
they are huge

What we need are some specifics. IOW make and model as well as how it's 
going to be used. Is it simply a test system to see how much wind is 
available and how consistent, or is it supposed to do something useful 
besides providing data?  What does it use for a generator/alternator? 
Will it be using storage along with an inverter? Will there be a test 
hookup to feed the power grid? With only 1400 watts max I'd be surprised 
if they do hook it to the grid unless that's the only thing it feeds as 
a test.  This sounds a lot like the test systems we see here which do no 
more than provide data but they are much higher. At 40 feet and 1400 
watts it sounds like a very small, home system.

They come smaller but a typical photo voltaic (solar cell) system is on 
the order of 4 to 6 KW and the typical  home wind systems we see around 
here are also on that order. Older home systems were much smaller and 
often home brew.

There are generators with rotors and with blades. IOW there is a wide 
variety of systems out there. The rotors are usually the ones closer to 
the ground and work with lower wind velocities. There are versions of 
the Savinous S-rotor which work very well.
> diameter of 6'8",producing 
> 1000/1400w/48volts,depending on wind speed.
48 Volts?
> This is a test case, as our
As it's a test case it sounds like a minaturized version.  Most wind 
generators are much higher and generate higher voltages with most here 
in the state being on the order of hundreds of thousands of KW, or even 
into the megawatt region. IIRC the one slated for our farm is on the 
order of 1 to 2 megawatts and part of a proposed 38 square mile farm 
with only two generators per square mile.   The alternators make very 
little noise if any, unless they have a diode go out as we see/hear with 
auto alternators. BUT if they are generating DC, charging batteries, and 
then using an inverter to get usable AC there are a number of spots that 
can create RFI
> city has no regulations concerning wind generators--towers yes--but not 
> a WECS!!My concern is the possible production of static charges from the 
> blades,sound,
The newer "big ones" with 3 blades and a blade circle of 200' do create 
an audible sound but something you can easily get used to as it's not 
loud.  Some of the old two blade ones could be a bit obnoxious

About the only time I'd expect static would be during a heavy snow 
storm, but from a grounded tower I doubt that'd even be audible on a 
>  RFI from the generator,attenuation of my signal by the 
> rotating blades to the SW.eg.the S. Pacific.
Highly unlikely unless you are very close, your antenna is at the same 
height, and the generator is either close to facing directly at you or 
directly away.

The thing is, this is a "test system" which means it could be almost 
anything with no knowledge of how it is going to be used.  Hence it's 
almost impossible to much more than come up with different scenarios as 
to how it works and how it will be configured.

Can you come up with some specifics, or a link to the city's proposed 
test, or the manufacturer along with make and model. Hopefully with 
information on how it's going to be used.

Good Luck,


Roger (K8RI)
>                   Have fun with this one, people!!
>        73
>                  de    Bob   W0ROB
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