[RFI] Toroid Transformers

David C. Hallam dhallam at rapidsys.com
Wed Sep 9 08:36:53 PDT 2009

This is somewhat off the topic of RFI but I have a question about toroid 
transformers and thought this was a knowledgeable place for them.

I found what is listed as a 3.6KVA toroidal autotransformer to step up 
120VAC to 240VAC.  What I would like to know is will it work in reverse, 
i.e., step down 240VAC to 120VAC?  If it were a regular transformer, I 
would not be asking this question.  I do not know if toroidal 
transformers work in reverse. I suspect they don't.

I have a 2KW linear which has a power transformer with a 120VAC primary. 
  I don't want to have to run a separate 120VAC line to supply this linear.


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