[RFI] Question About RFI Chokes

Tim Groat tcgroat at mesanetworks.net
Tue Sep 15 16:50:24 PDT 2009

Don't bend coax too tightly, especially foam-insulated coax like RG-6. 
If you do, the center conductor can pull through the foam and short out 
to the shield (perhaps not immediately, it may work for a while then 
fail when the weather changes). It's the same idea as avoiding kinks and 
sharp bends in any other coax cable run. The key is maintaining a 
consistent, gentle bend radius. Don't try to pull it tight against the core.


--Tim (KR0U)

> From: "WX5L" <wx5l at charter.net>:
> I'm about to wrap some RG-6U coaxial cable through a FT-240 #31 toroid to
> build TVI choke.
> My question is how to most efficiently wrap the coax through it? 
> Should it be wrapped tightly against the core and ty-wrapped down or loosely
> passed through the center and leave numerous turns floating in the middle.
> Does it really matter?

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