[RFI] [TowerTalk] Fwd: Fw: SBE Legislative Alert

WA3GIN wa3gin at comcast.net
Mon Apr 5 11:59:34 PDT 2010

Sounds like a way to get lobbist embedded in the FCC.  There is no lack of 
talent in the FCC as far as I can tell and I have spent a good portion of my 
time there over the past 30yrs.

The executives can request presentations from industry leaders and experts 
any time they want. In fact the industry is typically begging to get an 
audience with the FCC folks.  I'm lucky to work just a few miles from the 
FCC HQ and have attended many forums hosted by the FCC.  There is 'no' lack 
of expertise or the availability of industry experts at the FCC as best I 
can tell.

I suspect this is just another political ploy, sponsored by some bought 
politician in hopes that insiders can effect wanted regulation or the lack 
of it so as to benefit special interest groups who have at times been unable 
to influence the FCC ;-)  Some that have been successful like Verizon and 
AT&T are now facing some competition from smaller wireless oeprators and an 
FCC that is desparately seeking ways to ensure broadband wireless services 
are provisioned at reasonable prices to the to the other 50% of the US 
population, those folks that don't live in the largest 200 cites in the USA. 
The effect to the US economy of having broadband to those other 50% is 

So, yes please do your research into this bill and be sure you know WHAT YOU 
ARE SUPPORTING!  Be sure it benefits you and not some special interest 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jim Brown" <jim at audiosystemsgroup.com>
To: "RFI List" <rfi at contesting.com>; "Tower Talk List" 
<towertalk at contesting.com>; <proaudio at bach.pgm.com>; "sc-05-05" 
<sc-05-05 at standards.aes.org>
Sent: Monday, April 05, 2010 2:20 PM
Subject: [TowerTalk] Fwd: Fw: SBE Legislative Alert

> If you live in the US, this is something worthy of your time. I strongly
> support this bill.
> Jim Brown K9YC

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