[RFI] Video output for a 'scope?

RFI Services' Michael Martin mike at rfiservices.com
Thu Dec 9 05:09:30 PST 2010

Hello Charlie,
The speaker output will work but using it will create an issue when you
change the volume output. When you change to a comfortable level you'll also
be changing the scope displayed spike level. This is why it would be better
to use the record jack, if available. The output at this point won't change
when the audio output level is adjusted. The spike level will rise with an
increase in signal level as you approach the power line noise source.

Michael C. Martin
RFI Services
6469 Old Solomons Island Rd
Tracys Landing, MD 20779

-----Original Message-----
From: rfi-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:rfi-bounces at contesting.com] On
Behalf Of Missouri Guy
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2010 3:12 PM
To: RFI at contesting.com
Subject: [RFI] Video output for a 'scope?

Hi Gents,

I now have a portable o'scope and I want to observe the RF "signature"
of a noise.  One of my RFI books said to use a radio with a video output.
I'm not really sure what the author meant by that.....
is that, what I would call, the IF output (before the radio's AM
or maybe it's the audio output that's been run through an integrator?

I know the sweep for the 'scope should be an accurate 60hz...I'll get that
with a special IC chip.

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