[RFI] Automobile RFI

Patrick Dyer pjdyer at swbell.net
Fri Dec 17 18:19:48 PST 2010

Some countries were rather pro-active regarding automotive RFI.  A few
years ago I found an old BBC psa video on line (can't relocate it now)
from the early 1950s (?) urging folks to get rid of their old RFI-
generating vehicles for something newer!  Most UK TV then was Band I
(low-VHF) and had AM sound so it was very much affected by such.

I was in the UK 1952-54 as a USAF dependent
(http://www.qsl.net/wa5iyx/uk-52-54.htm)  Though we never had a TV set,
one of the comic books that I kept from that era has a (serial) story
in it where TV RFI is noticed and the comment "we're too high up from
the street for that to be from an auto" (being sci-fi the RFI was from
an alien spaceship).

73, Pat - WA5IYX

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