[RFI] Update on Trane Heat Pump

Mike Wetzel w9re at comcast.net
Tue Feb 2 13:47:22 PST 2010

After voicing my concerns and forwarding good and bad reports on Trane
systems to my salesman, here is his response from his Trane rep.



  I got an e-message from my Trane rep already.  He advises to stick with a
standard system; which means no federal tax credit.  There is a new $500
state rebate program with slightly lower requirements that just went into
effect yesterday.  If you are interested I can see if I can find a 3 ton
standard system without the variable speed blower that will meet those
requirements.  Let me know.  As I told Alan, I will be retiring in two weeks
and a younger employee is going to take over replacement sales for me.  I
will probably come back though to help him out on jobs like yours that I
have quoted but that do not go until after I leave; but you may want to
consider getting a second opinion.


PS  I just looked on Trane's website and I couldn't find any 3 ton systems
with standard air handlers that meet the state rebate requirements either.
(14.5 SEER, 12.0 EER, and 8.2 HSPF)  Any system that meets those
requirements includes a variable speed blower.  The system I quoted you
looks like my best option for the tax credit and the state rebate. 


This year I have had (and still have) a neighbor's plasma TV (400' away from
my 20 m tower) that gives me birdies and raises the noise floor on 20 and a
138KV that gives me 9 S-units over ambient of noise on 160 to my NE, I am
really hesitant about taking on more RFI problems.


Anyone have any ideas?






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