[RFI] Power line noise && RE: I will have you arrested

W0MU Mike Fatchett w0mu at w0mu.com
Wed Feb 10 07:19:34 PST 2010

The scariest words you can ever hear.  

I'm with the government and I am here to help you.

I would suggest getting on the phone and trying to get to the President or
writing to the President or someone much higher up the food chain.  You need
to be cordial and try to get a sympathetic person to help you. Have you
attempted to talk to the manager over this department?  I would politely
call them every day or couple of days and remind them that your problem
still exists. They do have an obligation to fix this problem.  Plainly state
that problem, the steps you have taken the data collected, what they have
and have not done and what you want them to do and when you expect the issue
to be solved.  I would refrain from bringing up the FCC or other regulatory
agencies unless they blow you off completely.  

Good luck!

Mike W0MU

CC Packet Cluster W0MU-1

"A slip of the foot you may soon recover, but a slip of the tongue you may
never get over." Ben Franklin 

-----Original Message-----
From: rfi-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:rfi-bounces at contesting.com] On
Behalf Of kd4e
Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2010 7:27 AM
To: garnerj at bellsouth.net
Cc: rfi at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RFI] Power line noise && RE: I will have you arrested

You may want to get your Tech license (it is a somewhat trivial exercise in
short-term memory).

Once you have that then join at least one of the disaster response groups
e.g. ARES, RACES, Red Cross, CERT, Skywarn, etc.

Then try to drag Homeland Security into the fray - the grounds would be that
the failure of the utility to resolve the interference that they are
creating is preventing you from communicating as a Homeland Security
disaster-response volunteer (even if that communication is only part of your
training and not the actual response).

Perhaps a nasty-gram from a Homeland Security bureaucrat suggesting a
federal investigation by multiple agencies might tweak their attention?

When dealing with bureaucracy, government or private, the way to get their
attention is to raise their hassle-level.
If they believe that you can tie them in knots with government "bots" with
nothing better to do but to demand paperwork and demand measurements and
prove they have met the government's never-ending regulation they will
choose the easier path of fixing the problem.

If they believe that they can ignore you without it costing them a hassle
then they will go that route.

Since the current folks in power, despite the rest of us having to live with
less, are adding federal employees at high salaries and benefits like crazy
they will be looking for ways to justify their existence - why not get them
doing something constructive?

> Dealing the _big business_ can be an exercise in frustration.
> Dealing with FP&L (now Progress Energy) is  ........ un printable.
> Fallowed the /sound/ advice found here, purchased books on EMI/RFI 
> issues and educated self,  localized at least 2 of the offending rfi 
> sources (at my time, and expense),  only to be sent a bulb-changer 
> flunkie who attempted to deal with the issues at hand (while 
> prefessing he had had no idea that cycleing streetlight caused rfi [untill
i told him so]).
> To be fair he did partially
> reduce the rfi levels by replaceing 3 streetlight bulbs in the local 
> vecinity that were cycleing off and on all night long.
> No attempts to fix the hardware (or corona, or leaky insulators) at 
> the poles I had initially indicated as suspect.
> (he wasn't equipped to handle that type of issue) He didn't bring any 
> equipment to do any testing.
> Did provide a general location of suspects by using a UHF AM handheld.
> Now, after a yr, there are 6 streetlights in the vicinity that cycle.
> plus what wasn't addressed has gotten worse.
> It used to simple phonecall to contact a knowledgeable person at their 
> local depot  (and to know just who one should talk to by name) now 
> it's a chore and a half trying to contact a human at their new 800 
> toll-free phone-tree; Then to explain to them what is wanted is 
> another chore.
> If anyone has some inside information as just who to contact with-in
> A lowly SWL with not even the privledges an FCC licensed ham might 
> have when dealing with rfi.
> -------------------------------------
> Jon-FL  StarChat IRC Network channels   #wunclub  and   #monitor
> (2x Icom IC-R75, IC-R8500, Racal RA6790/GM, WJ-8716, Collins HF-2050, 
> BCD996T,  HAL ST-8000a, M-8000, t2fd, D130NJ discone)


.Thanks! & 73, doc, KD4E
.FS/Swap/Wanted: http://kd4e.com/swapn.html .Free OS :
.Personal: http://kd4e.com
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.============\ # KD4E
. Have an http://ultrafidian.com day!
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