[RFI] Working with the Power Company (was: Privileged treatment)

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Thu Feb 11 09:54:09 PST 2010

On Thu, 11 Feb 2010 05:44:00 -0500, Pete Smith wrote:

>1.  Always do your best to identify the source of the noise to a pole or 
>2.  Be flexible about scheduling the work - they have to put maintaining 
>power delivery first.
>3.  Make an effort to work with the guys who come out, treating them 
>like human beings trying to do a good job.
>4.  Recognize their limitations and, as necessary, tactfully use your 
>technical knowledge to supplement theirs.
>5.  DON'T assume an adversarial posture, particularly with the guys 
>doing the work.  They can either help or hinder you.

>This won't work for everyone - another nearby ham had to get the FCC to 
>write Allegheny a letter to get his problem dealt with.  A lot depends 
>on the individuals involved, but it can work.

This is great advice for dealing with virtually ANY problem. As you've 
noted, success will depend on the people involved and the conditions 
under which they work. I take the same approach with the guys who come 
out to work on the ancient telco wiring that serves our area, and often 
fails when it gets really wet (as it did three weeks ago). Without 
asking, I ended up with the private cell phone of the guy doing the work 
and the desk phone of his supervisor. Good thing that I did -- two days 
after he found and fixed one problem, bad splices at another location 
took my lines down again. One phone call, and our job was on his schedule 
for the next day. And fixed. 

BTW -- one of the guys told me that if you're not getting action, mention 
the Public Utilities Commission to the supervisor. They REALLY don't like 
hearing from the CA PUC. Seems that there's enough direct oversight to 
make their lives miserable. That might work for you, Kelly. Or not. :)


Jim K9YC

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