[RFI] Working with the Power Company (was: Privileged treatment)

Tree tree at kkn.net
Thu Feb 11 10:17:16 PST 2010

On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 01:05:26PM -0500, Jimk8mr at aol.com wrote:

> It was fixed the next day.

Good one Jim.

My entry for favorite story is finding a 20 db over S9 noise at W5WMU
two days before the SS CW.  It appeared to be very local and turned 
out to be a pole that was on WMU's property dedicated to bringing his 
power in.  I found by wiggling the guy wires at the end of the run,
the noise would break up.  Steph (N5SYF) called up the power company
and probably embellished the situation a bit (using terms like arcing).
Turns out they had a crew out down the street and they came over and
quickly verified it was one of four poles (by pulling a fuse) and they
replaced the HV insulators on all of the poles (finding one that was
likely the one arcing).

Noise was gone - they were there less than an hour.  

Tree N6TR

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