[RFI] Anyone Checked These Little PS's for RFI?

Dale Svetanoff svetanoff at earthlink.net
Mon Feb 15 07:40:43 PST 2010


Don't worry on this one - it's a cheap and sleazy LINEAR power supply.  I
know - I have one on my test bench and it's been in use for years.  Yes, I
took it apart when I bought it to be certain!  Yes, it's made in China (or
someplace over there).

One problem (which I hope has been fixed):  The 5-way output posts are
supposed to accept banana plugs, among other things, as a means of
connecting to the output.  Well, on the one I have, the inside diameter of
those 5-way posts was just too small to accept any of the several banana
plugs I had around my shop.  Very frustrating.  The solution was to
carefully drill out the center hole of each of the two posts enough so that
standard banana plugs would fit.  Other than that, it has worked fine.

The selector switch controls an adjustable linear regulator.  Keep that in
mind, as the unit will get hotter when supplying rated current at lower
voltages than at the higher settings.

It is a handy device to have around.  

73, Dale

> [Original Message]
> From: kd4e <doc at kd4e.com>
> To: RFI List <rfi at contesting.com>
> Date: 2/15/2010 9:03:15
> Subject: [RFI] Anyone Checked These Little PS's for RFI?
> Select 3, 4.5, 6, 7.5, 9 and 12VDC @2A makes
> this a handy little bench supply.  I worry that
> it is a cheap and noisy switcher. Anyone try one?
> http://www.mcmelectronics.com/product/28-2200
> -- 
> .Thanks! & 73, doc, KD4E
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