[RFI] RFI from flat screens?

Roger (K8RI) k8ri at rogerhalstead.com
Fri Jan 15 14:35:41 PST 2010

Jim Brown wrote:
> On Fri, 15 Jan 2010 05:54:29 -0600, Tad Danley wrote:
>> The XYL says she needs a new flat screen TV for her office, and I need 
>> to make sure it doesn't wipe out my HF/VHF/UHF receivers.  It has been 5 
>> years since I bought a TV, which technology is not going to give me RFI 
>> headaches?
>> LCD
>> LED
Actually the LED is an LCD with a different lamp and uses less power.  
It's really misleading to call them something other than a LCD but the 
manufacturers chose to name the sets with the LED lamp as LED displays 
to set them apart.  I would choose an LED over the standard LCD due to 
using less power. they have a good reputation.
We have a 3 year old Samsung 40" and I'd not hesitate to purchase 
another. The only issue was one of those RoHS solder joints

Find an outlet store that will let you try sets out.  The local Best Buy 
let me take the set home and told me I could try as many as I wanted 
until I was satisfied.
>> Plasma
Plasmas have improved but they are heavier and use more power than 
either the LCD or LED sets.
> Based on many posts on this and other reflectors and my own limited 
> experience, you want an LCD set. Sony and the major Korean mfrs have 
> received lots of positive recommendations. I bought a Sony XBR6 a year ago, 
> and am quite pleased.
I'd have to be really hard pressed to purchase any Sony products. I 
haven't forgotten the rootkit and their CEO's remarks about the 
intelligence of their customers.


Roger (K8RI)
>  Plasma sets are widely reported to be RFI generators, 
> and suck about 50% more watts than LCDs. I pay a lot of attention to 
> Consumer Reports data for reliability, but let my EE and professional 
> background override some other elements of their reviews. :)   
> For more info, use the search feature on contesting.com.
> 73,
> Jim Brown K9YC 
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