[RFI] RFI into A/C condenser

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Thu Jun 3 08:10:53 PDT 2010

On Wed, 02 Jun 2010 23:55:28 -0500, rbaker wrote:

>I am being told that RFI con get back into a A/C condenser and cause 
>it to malfunction---true??

I don't know anything about air conditioners, nor have I ever heard 
anything about it, but the only RFI possibility that makes sense to me 
would be to its control circuitry. Is this a new problem with a unit 
that has worked for a long time, or a new unit that is having problems?  
Is it a home window unit, or a larger one where the connections are 
spread out? 

Three possible means of RFI getting in -- via the power line, or pickup 
on wiring between controller and compmressor, or due to lousy shielding 
of the control circuitry. The power line could be fixed with a standard 
RFI filter. Corcom and Delta are good brands, and are available from 
the usual industrial electronics sources. One big enough to handle an 
air conditioner won't be cheap. Internal wiring might be fixable with a 
ferrite choke. There may also be power wiring problems in the air 
conditioning system. 


Jim K9YC

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