[RFI] Handheld Rx for Topband

Jimk8mr at aol.com Jimk8mr at aol.com
Fri Mar 12 08:10:15 PST 2010

I've used an Icom IC-R10 for following noise, and have had good luck with  
it.  I assume current versions of the radio would be fine.  

Keep in mind that with the rubber duck antenna provided you won't hear  
much of anything at the low frequencies. In my case I do much of my listening  
from by bicycle, where a 2 meter 5/8 wave antenna mounted to the aluminum  
rear rack provides a decent signal, at least at somewhat higher frequencies 
(7  MHz and above).
73  -  Jim   K8MR
In a message dated 3/12/2010 8:30:34 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
g8ewt at diacon.co.uk writes:

Apologies but not exactly rfi but similar.

Like  practically everyone else I'm waging a constant war against the QRM
found  in modern day residential areas. I've often thought that it would be
much  easier to track down the QRM sources if I had a portable receiver but
I've  been unable to find one here in the UK that covers top band. Quite
often  I've found that devices emit modest QRM in the AM broadcast bands but
that  the levels rise strongly above 1.7Mhz and in these cases a normal
broadcast  portable isn't a great deal of help.

Can anyone give me the  model number of a reasonably priced radio that 
2MHz that's available  in Europe? Alternately I will be visiting the US in
April and could arrange  for delivery to my hosts there.

Thanks for your  help.


Graham  G8EWT

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