[RFI] Metal Halide Bulbs?

kd4e doc at kd4e.com
Tue May 4 17:35:59 PDT 2010

Just stumbled on the "new" Pulse Start Metal Halide.

This sounds really scary for RFI:

"Why Pulse Start Metal Halide?

"A change in the lamp and ballast construction allows
pulse start metal halide bulbs to start using a high
voltage igniter in the ballast instead of a starting 
electrode in the bulb. A pulse start system needs a 
dedicated ballast that has an igniter."

> Two questions about Metal Halide lights:
> There are commercial-grade fixtures above each of the
> two doors that use the Philips M-90 bulb and also have
> light-sensors mounted on top.
> On Topic
> 1.  Are they a known source of RFI?
> Off Topic
> 2.  Do the bulbs come in yellow?  (I haven't found any
>     and may have to replace the fixtures or convert
>     the fixtures, so I may use a yellow bulb as the
>     bugs are attacking the house in the thousands at
>     night making use of the doors an adventure -- plus
>     they are finding their way in around the window A/C!
>     OR is there a yellow film or spray I could apply
>     to the lens?


.Thanks! & 73, doc, KD4E
.Have an http://ultrafidian.com day!
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