[RFI] [RTTY] Manual Overload

Eduardo Somoano C co8ly at frcscu.ciges.inf.cu
Tue May 11 13:49:39 PDT 2010

Dear freind Phil , maybe you can help me.

I look for an old book ARRL VHF manual.

In that book this the diagram of the filter Low pass Comair CF-6 that was
designed for
to eliminate ITV in 6 meters.

I have problems of ITV with TX in 6mtrs and I don't find any solution.

Maybe you have that book, a million thank you in advance.

Strong hug.73.-

Eduardo. CO8LY

----- Original Message -----
From: "Phil Sussman" <psussman at pactor.com>
To: <rtty at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2010 8:52 AM
Subject: [RTTY] Manual Overload

I am overloaded with old service manuals going back years. I have many
GE, Motorola, RCA, Uniden, Regency, Zetron, service manuals for mobiles,
portables, and base stations -- three library rooms full.

If you're looking for anything, please contact me off list.


de Phil - N8PS
psussman at pactor.com

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