[RFI] Bulb rumors.

Jim Chaggaris jimc at pwrone.com
Mon Nov 29 14:23:05 PST 2010


I agree.  The Govt. is now creating another industry (CFL disposal) from
their unfunded mandate.  Remember Radon?  Another farce that created a
billion dollar industry.

Best Regards,

Jim N9WW

James Chaggaris
PowerOne Corp./PowerOne Environmental
1020 Cedar Ave. Suite 203
St. Charles, IL 60174
Phn: 630-443-6500
Cell: 630-669-2241
Fax: 630-443-6505
Website: www.pwrone.com

-----Original Message-----
From: rfi-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:rfi-bounces at contesting.com] On
Behalf Of KD7JYK DM09
Sent: Monday, November 29, 2010 4:03 PM
To: Jim Miller KG0KP; Christopher E. Brown
Cc: rfi at Contesting.com
Subject: [RFI] Bulb rumors.

I can provide a single page scan from a recent trade magazine regarding such

MY BIG beef...  LED lights suck.  Their spectrum (light) is garbage and
their output is low, generally one tenth to one twentieth of what they are
intended to "replace" and those that aren't, a recent trip indicated, cost
an average of 360 times more.  They are advertized as saving cost, then in
tiny little print (energy cost).  It would cost me over two grand to refit
my house and nearly another grand for the shop.  Noise?  Maybe.  I had a
single LED in my truck, a little 2mCd indicator, it interfered with AMBC and
HF radios for four blocks.  Others are quiet.

CFLs, a joke.  Noisey, electrically and mechanically, degrade rapidly over
time, have to have special housings or mounting postitions to prevent the
POS power supplies from cooking, won't run when cold, take tens of seconds
to several minutes to come up to brightness, "plant light" CFLs KILLED all
my plants, they cost 32 times what they intended to replace, even at Wally
World prices, can't be disposed of as they are considered toxic waste, break
one in a Del Taco and HAZMAT has to remove and replace it while all the
customers are evacuated during their thirty minute lunch breaks...

Pardon my overly-censored bluntness, but everyone in the industry regarding
CFLs and LEDs as replacements for incandescents, can go F themselves with
broken bulbs.


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