[RFI] RFI from new Hi-efficiency furnace?

dalej dj2001x at comcast.net
Wed Oct 27 13:36:19 PDT 2010

Doc, I listen to bands 6 to 80 meters and SW BC in between.  I have not done any specific testing, but I know that if this thing was putting out noise I'd hear it.  I use M2 KT34 yagi on 10 to 20 m and another 5 ele yagi on six, a 5/8th wave omni directional vertical for 10 m, a 20 m. sloper, a 40 meter sloper and soon I'll have a 40 m. vertical array and last but not least a 135 ft doublet with 100 feet of open wire tuned feeders and  Johnson KW matchbox (I call it big John) for any bands.  

I don't know where it was made.  It was purchased in Aug 2000.  We also bought the Carrier A/C (Puron) and it also has been working A-OK, knock on wood, hi.  


On 27, Oct 2010, at 14:04, doc at kd4e.com wrote:

> Hey Dale and Mel,
> 	We will be looking at HVAC units soon as well.
> 	I'd be interested in what sort of tests you have done -
> Dale (bands, modes, type of gear) - and what is the proximity
> of the antennas to the HVAC.
> 	Also, do you know where the Carrier equipment is currently
> manufactured?  (I know it can change from year to year.)
>> We have a Carrier Infinity and it has the DC fan motor which runs at
>> different speeds for A/C and for just circulation.  I have not
>> experienced any noise from it.
>> 73 Dale, k9vuj
> -- 
> Thanks! & 73, doc, KD4E
> http://KD4E.com
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