[RFI] Solar Panels

doc at kd4e.com doc at kd4e.com
Fri Aug 19 13:35:16 PDT 2011

I have copied Steve Spence who is very familiar with solar
equipment - he may have some knowledge of the ones that are
RF-clean and not.

> Jim Brown wrote: On 8/19/2011 1:22 PM, K1TTT wrote:
>> Good equipment, installed properly, should be quiet.
> N6RO recently installed a large system, and it's also quiet. My
> neighbor about 300 ft from my antennas installed a system over the
> winter, and I'm hearing it pretty strong on some bands, especially 6M
> during the daylight hours.  We need to have a conversation. :)
> 73, Jim K9YC


Thanks! & 73, KD4E
David Colburn http://kd4e.com
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