[RFI] CFL list, anywhere?

Roger (K8RI) k8ri at rogerhalstead.com
Fri Dec 23 10:59:25 PST 2011

On 12/23/2011 1:29 PM, Andy wrote:
> Howdy, all,
> Does anyone know of a good email list or forum concerning the subject
> of CFLs (compact fluorescents)?
> I know, why would someone want to use them, right?  Actually, though,
> I am one of those whose experiences with them have been moderately
> good overall.  But I figure, they are going to be with us for a while
> to come, so I am looking for a place to discuss them, why they
> sometimes don't work, why they fail, without being Off-Topic in a
> group like this one.
They or rather some have been strong generators of RFI so they certainly 
are  not off topic.
Like all fluorescents, the ON/off cycles are important.  The old , turn 
'em off when you leave the room that applied to incandescent bulbs does 
not apply to CFLs as it will result in premature failure.  Turn 'em off 
if you plan on being out of the room for a half hour of more...orther 
wise leave them on. They are also sensitive to vibration.

We use almost all CFLs and have never had a problem with them  The early 
ones were expensive and not that great for lifetime.  Now they are 
relatively inexpensive and appear to have the correct color temp even in 
the end table lamps. The 200 watt units in the unheated garage do take a 
minute or two to come up to temp and full brightness.    Out of about 20 
we have only had to replace 3 in the last two years.  I understand new 
ones also have even less mercury in than than the early ones.

Figuring an average of 5 hours a day (We live 43'37" N, Michigan) which 
makes the payback over an incandescent about 2.5 to 3 years with 
electric rates of about 12 cents per KWH.

The electronics in the base have been known to create hash/RFI although 
I've not detected any here.

Just do a search on "CFL reflectors and news groups". Lots of 
information comes up


Roger (K8RI)

> Does anyone know of a site/list?  Preferably not something sponsored
> by a manufacturer, but will take that if that's all there is.
> (And please, let's not take this as an invitation to discuss the pros
> and cons of CFLs here!)
> Regards,
> Andy
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