[RFI] Return to the HVAC Issue

doc at kd4e.com doc at kd4e.com
Tue Feb 8 10:36:35 PST 2011

Returning briefly to the RFI-safe HVAC matter.

I see that a 1.5 - 2 ton HVAC system is about $2,000:

Does anyone have recent experience with a *specific model*
we can still order that proved RFI-quiet?

I'd rather not guess wrong but instead benefit from your
positive experience (and avoid bad models).

The air-handler is to be mounted in the loft area over
the office/radio room.  The outdoor heat-exchanger will
be just below the Polyphaser-protected entry-point of
feedlines to the house, and also next to the utility
entry point.

I'd prefer a model not built in China.  (USA, Canada,
Mexico, or India preferred.)



Thanks! & 73, KD4E
David Colburn http://kd4e.com
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