[RFI] U-Verse problem update

Vince rradiohham232 at sbcglobal.net
Tue Feb 15 11:53:41 PST 2011

To the RFI group,

Several months ago I posted  a question about a problem that a friend 
that has U-Verse had. Well here is the update on this, he was having a 
problem when transmitting on 75 meters and freezing up his U-Verse 
system completely, this was the Phone, TV and Internet, even at the 
lowest power setting, even after we tried several things and nothing helped.

So he called  U-Verse, and a repair man came out and tried several 
things with no help, but he said that he would contact his office to see 
what could be done, I was there for this visit to see what he would do 
to solve that problem. The next week three workers showed up from 
U-Verse and rerouted his feed line from the pole to the other side of 
the house, and it looks as they put in a shielded wire from the pole, 
something that was not in place with the original installation, this 
also shortened the coax feed to his router, I was not there when they 
did this, but he had phoned me at the time.

Since this work was done on his U-Verse system , everything is working 
fine now, he can now transmit on all the bands and use the amplifier. I 
have waited for some time to give a update on this to see how everything 
  has worked out in the long run.

U-Verse has to be commended for their quick and positives resolution, 
many times we are quick to complain about something, but do not comment 
when someone does something right. The bottom line on this is, if you 
are having a similar problem, it can be solved if you contact the right 

So in closing I would like to thank U-Verse for their help in solving 
this problem even thought it was not for me personally, I was just 
trying to help a ham friend and learn about how to solve a problem like 
this so that I can maybe help others that may encounter a similar problem.

73 to all, and thanks for the replies on the RFI group
Vince, K6BIR

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