[RFI] U-Verse problem update

Martin Ewing martin.s.ewing at gmail.com
Tue Feb 15 13:50:15 PST 2011

On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 4:18 PM, Joe <wa6rkn at gmail.com> wrote:

> What bothers me about this is that U-verse in not conducted by copper
> cabling..it is all optical fibre...how is an RF signal getting in and being
> carried by fibre?

There are two kinds of "U-Verse".  One is FTTH (fiber to the home, like
FIOS) and one is FTTN (fiber to the neighborhood/node) with copper
connections ranging up to 3000 ft or so from the central "Node" that use
VDSL2 signaling (100 kHz - 8.4 MHz).  Unfortunately for us most U-Verse
installations are FTTN.  You must have the other.  Lucky devil!

Martin AA6E

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