[RFI] Plasma TV's are killing our hobby

Howard Leadmon howard at leadmon.net
Sat Jan 1 13:46:04 PST 2011

Actually some of the 10 lumen per watt plasma tech that is about to start
showing up, will easily make the power standards, so I wouldn't count them
down and out yet.   I am all for being green, but when it comes to home
theater, I am happy to use more power if it means I get a better and more
accurate picture and sound, and at this time LCD can't beat plasma, so when I
look for a new set after CES this coming month, you can rest assured I will
be looking at the high-end plasma offerings..   Dave (K6XY) can be glad I
don't live in his neighborhood..  LOL

 Maybe not the best radio in the business, but my 58" panny plasma, causes no
problems with my Kenwood TS-2000X rig I have here at home..

Howard Leadmon - WB3FFV

> -----Original Message-----
> From: rfi-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:rfi-bounces at contesting.com] On
> Behalf Of Joe
> Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2011 4:12 PM
> To: RFI
> Subject: Re: [RFI] Plasma TV's are killing our hobby
> I may have my fact skewed on this, but...
> The State of California has set in place, some pretty strict rules
> power consumption on TV's that goes into effect in 2011.  Many Plasma (And
> LCD) TV's do NOT meet these restrictions, so the sale of these TV's will be
> history sometime after the first of this year.
> Joe Wolfe
> Reno, Nevada
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Howard Leadmon" <howard at leadmon.net>
> Subject: Re: [RFI] Plasma TV's are killing our hobby
> > Not to be the devil's advocate, but being a Ham and also a Home Theater
> > enthusiast, Plasma has some very distinct advantages over LCD tech at
> > point in time, so I seriously doubt they are just going to vanish
> > overnight.
> > I myself even have some Plasma based sets, but I think with the better
> > quality models you do get better builds as would be expected.
> rfi
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