[RFI] Grow Lights

Charles Coldwell coldwell at gmail.com
Mon Jan 3 07:28:30 PST 2011

On Mon, Jan 3, 2011 at 8:10 AM, Diane and Edward Swynar
<deswynar at xplornet.ca> wrote:
> Why the feeling of subjugation & helplessness on the part of Americam Hams when it comes to these things...? Don't you guys have criminal law on your side when all is said & done...?! I just don't get this...

The risk is that law enforcement will fall flat.  You report your
neighbors, the police come and knock on their door and ask a few
questions, then nothing more happens.  Now your neighbors rightly
suspect that you dropped a dime on them, and they are still your
neighbors.  What's more, if they are growing pot they might well be
involved with other things involving guns or organized crime and don't
take kindly to your interference (pun intended).

The risk is real in a large part of the US because state and local
government budgets are tight and law enforcement is getting cut back.
Take a look right across the river at Detroit for a very good example.


Charles M. Coldwell, W1CMC
"Turn on, log in, tune out"
Belmont, Massachusetts, New England (FN42jj)

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