[RFI] Cell Phone Charger Duracell made in China

Dale Svetanoff svetanoff at earthlink.net
Wed Jan 5 11:37:00 PST 2011


I think the net result will be that differing polarities may go away, but
the point about voltage is well-taken.  However, that's what the working
group has to do.  They'll have to consider the various alternatives and
decide upon connectors that make reverse polarity and wrong voltage nearly
fool proof.  (Note the operative term "nearly".)  The intent is NOT that
all wall warts have the same plug - sorry for the confusion.  

Consider: How many different connectors have you got in your shack or house
for "12 VDC" devices?  I know that I've got devices that operate on
voltages as low as 7.5 VDC using the SAME connector (the so-called "barrel"
type) as devices that operate on 9 VDC, 12 VDC, and even 28 VDC.  The
problem already exists!  (BTW: In my example given here, all of those
various voltage devices use the same size barrel connector.  Luckily, I
have some others that use the very small size barrels, but darned few of

73, Dale

> [Original Message]
> From: doc at kd4e.com <doc at kd4e.com>
> To: Ed Douglass <douglass at doorpi.net>
> Cc: <jim at audiosystemsgroup.com>; <rfi at contesting.com>;
<svetanoff at earthlink.net>
> Date: 1/5/2011 1:05:46
> Subject: Re: [RFI] Cell Phone Charger Duracell made in China
> I thought the proposal was for all wall-warts of the same
> voltage (and polarity) sharing a common connector.
> Different voltages and polarities should have different
> connectors.
> Autoranging supplies are an interesting variable ...
> > If all wall warts have the same plug but deliver different voltages,
> > what havoc will occur among consumers who grab the wrong wall wart
> > and burn up (or undercharge) one of their devices? Could all devices
> > have a voltage regulator circuit in them?  Would these regulators
> > cause RFI?
> >
> > 73, Ed, AA9OZ
> -- 
> Thanks! & 73, KD4E
> David Colburn http://kd4e.com
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