[RFI] Bleh (Re: HVAC Variable Speed Motors

doc at kd4e.com doc at kd4e.com
Thu Jan 6 10:34:37 PST 2011

Something went out of spec - could be a resistor or capacitor, or a
adjustment potentiometer, or a mechanical connection or device ...
it is not unusual for things to get noisy over time ... locating
and repairing the source can be an adventure.

 > Peter Laws wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 21:19, Peter Laws<plaws0 at gmail.com>  wrote:
>> I have a WaterFurnace Envision and I don't hear it.  Or at least if
>> there is RFI, it's not enough to bother me.
>> I hear my Whirlpool Duet washing machine (oh, do I hear it).
>> But the heatpump is quiet.  Looking at the specs, though, it seems to
>> have a variable-speed fan.  Maybe they shield?  They have extensive
>> documentation on their site if folks are interested.
> WaterFurnace was installed Fall 2007.  Very happy with the energy
> results (all-electric house and only three bills over $100 since it
> was installed).  NO RFI attributable to the system ...
> Until last night.  Local 10-m net, conditions very quiet on 28445, but
> no quieter than a number of other nights.  Very distinct noise just as
> the fluid pump started just before the main unit started up.  Stayed
> on the duration of the cycle.
> I did not explore other bands or freqs, but will have the opportunity
> this weekend during RTTY Roundup.
> So, what changed?  I haven't changed anything with the antennas or the
> rig since last week's net, in fact, I'm not sure I've had the rig on
> even to listen.  I doubt the noise was there previously but buried as
> this particular noise is quite distinct as the unit starts the cycle
> and it was immediately obvious that it was the heatpump since the
> radio room is steps from the furnace closet.


Thanks! & 73, KD4E
David Colburn http://kd4e.com
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