[RFI] Nondescript Broadband Noise

Jimk8mr at aol.com Jimk8mr at aol.com
Wed Jan 19 11:44:53 PST 2011

Are there any UPS(s) in the house powering devices that remains on even  
though the main breaker is opened?
73  -  Jim  K8MR
In a message dated 1/19/2011 1:45:35 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
k4ar at arrl.net writes:


>From about 100 - 130 degree heading, I have a  nondescript noise level
increase from less than S1 and peaking out about S5  - S6, that is driving 
nuts. It happens to be across a neighbor's house,  and I seem to be able to
hear the noise in my portable receiver.

It  is broadband, generally from 10-21 Mhz, peaking out about 18 Mhz.  I  
hear it distinctly with the portable (TH-F6 & 18 Mhz whip) placed  near the
meter entrance and ground of his house (mine is very quiet in  comparison). 

**The noise is present even when all breakers and  main are shut off (great
neighbor).**  I can also hear the noise to a  lesser extent next to the 
pole that services his house. Noise blanker  has no effect.

It is 24/7, constant signal level, rain or  shine.

The service meter is a smart unit by Landis + Gyr, "-855 type  ALF Form 2S,
CL200".  I have one just like it at my house, but is RF  quiet.

Has anyone experienced this kind of problem with these  units?

There are other possibilities down the neighborhood (which do  need
attention), but none really sound like this one.

I have an  audio recording if someone is able to give me some 
(I have  no way to analyze).

Any ideas ?


Bert -  K4AR

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