[RFI] Interesting RFI source

Roger D Johnson n1rj at roadrunner.com
Tue Mar 8 10:16:39 PST 2011

Recently I had a loud (S9) pulse interference show up on 160m. It
came on right about sunset so I suspected a malfunctioning sodium
vapor streetlight. I tuned my car radio to 1710 kHz and drove around
the neighborhood but failed to find any bad streetlights. I did notice
that the noise increased when going past a certain driveway with a
light on a post at the end. I got out of the car with a portable radio and
sniffed around but came back to the light on the post. Subsequent
conversation with the owner revealed that he had replaced the incan-
descent bulb with a CFL. A Google search revealed that some photo-
cell controllers are not compatible with CFLs. The owner replaced the
CFL with an incandescent and the interference went away!

73, Roger

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