[RFI] LED streetlight noise.

dalej dj2001x at comcast.net
Mon May 2 05:26:55 PDT 2011

Hi John,

It's noisy over there.  I mobile in to the ramp quite often so I pretty much know the noise patterns.  It should be interesting by the end of summer to see if anything has changed.  Maybe the LED's will be quieter...

Dale, k9vuj

On 02, May 2011, at 6:49, John DeGood wrote:

> Is MoA quiet now on your mobile? Most commercial facilities like that
> have a zillion noise sources. Be sure to baseline before-and-after.
> 73, John NU3E
> On 5/2/2011 5:25 AM, dalej wrote:
>> The largest shopping mall in the U.S., the Mall of America is converting all of its parking ramp lighting to LED's.  
>> <http://www.twincities.com/ci_17911967?source=most_emailed&nclick_check=1>
>> I live about 6 miles from this facility, but what if I were within a few blocks.  
>> Once they are installed I'll drive the mobile over there and see how quiet the new LED lighting are.  
>> Dale, k9vuj
>> On 01, May 2011, at 23:22, KD7JYK DM09 wrote:
>>> I was passing through town last night an found a failing LED streetlamp, one 
>>> of the few LED models I've seen.  Half of it was flashing about once per 
>>> second.  I don't have any Ham equipment in my truck yet, so tried to tune on 
>>> on my AM radio.
>>> For starters, the truck itself produces so much hash from the fuel pump and 
>>> ignition, listening to AM broadcast is impossible.  FM is crap, so I have a 
>>> satellite receiver.
>>> Despite the noise produced by the truck, this new LED streetlamp produced so 
>>> much noise, I could hear it OVER all the internal noise in my vehicle from 
>>> over 100' away from the lamp, despite the majority of the LED streetlamp 
>>> componenets being in metal, metal pole, metal lamp housing and underground 
>>> power.
>>> Kurt 
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