[RFI] Possible Satellite Internet Interference

Eric - VE3GSI ve3gsi at sympatico.ca
Wed May 11 06:32:01 PDT 2011

I am looking for information on what to look for, or solutions for, from
which may be a neighbour's satellite internet equipment interference.

The interference I am hearing is on the HF bands sounds like an intermitted,
buzz - buzz - buzz, sometimes every 1/2 second but more random then regular.
On my Icom Pro the noise pattern is almost bell shaped.

I found the noise source using an AM portable radio with a loop antenna.
The house in question is over 1 Km, (just about a mile) west of me.

I am trying to contact the dealer of the equipment, but would like to know
if anyone can give me suggestions that I can pass on to their technician, if
indeed the internet satellite equipment is the actual source of the

Any ideas or suggestions greatly appreciated.
Eric - VE3GSI.

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