[RFI] Power Supply - Noise Frequency Adjust?

Bob Turner n2scj at msn.com
Sat May 21 12:44:14 PDT 2011

The "noise freq adjust" feature has been available for quite some time now. 
Perhaps 10 or more years.

-----Original Message----- 
From: Bert Almemo
Sent: Saturday, May 21, 2011 1:41 PM
To: doc at kd4e.com ; 'RFI List'
Subject: Re: [RFI] Power Supply - Noise Frequency Adjust?

Interesting but not very smart. They are treating the symptoms and not the
cause. The person in possession of the power supply can adjust the frequency
but how about other hams/people who has the same interference??

73 Bert, VE3NR

-----Original Message-----
From: rfi-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:rfi-bounces at contesting.com] On
Behalf Of doc at kd4e.com
Sent: Saturday, May 21, 2011 11:20 AM
To: RFI List
Subject: [RFI] Power Supply - Noise Frequency Adjust?

Here's an interesting concept.  Instead of eliminating the RFI they give you
a control to move it off the desired frequency?

There offer three models, the I, II, and III, this one is the latest, the

PS30SW III 30A 13.8vDC Switching Power Supply




Thanks! & 73, KD4E
David Colburn http://kd4e.com
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