[RFI] 29.62 signal? (Homelite electric lawn mowers?)

doc at kd4e.com doc at kd4e.com
Sat Nov 12 18:23:30 PST 2011

I doubt that they are hearing RFI from an electric mower across
multiple states and overseas, unless it is being coupled into a
really big antenna array.  ;-)

Seriously, re. the Homelite mower ...

Homelite might be required to fix the problem via a recall since the FCC
could claim that the one they evaluated was clean and Homelite has been
shipping defective models.

I would write to the ARRL, the FCC, and your Congressman - reminding
them that RFI interferes with emergency communications as well as
business/commercial, hobby, and personal communications.

I have taken the liberty of copying this to the RFI list.

> wb8vlc wrote: It's probably a "HOMELITE" electric lawn mowers
> charger, seriously this piece of excellent engineered junk lawn mower
> which was allowed to be marketed in the US by the wonderful FCC in
> the name of GREEN Initiatives creates so much RF noise that another
> ham and I, here in northern Oregon, traced the wideband RF hash
> emitted from one mower at over a mile away from the source.
> Mike


Thanks! & 73, KD4E
David Colburn http://kd4e.com
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